Monday 3 October 2011

Cinema Paradiso

The principle of life is that life responds by corresponding: you’re life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be. ~ Raymond Charles Barker
The Film entitled Cinema Paradiso revolves around the story of a boy named Toto. A bitter-sweet movie encapsulated with romance and a bit of drama. Beginning at the end, the movie opens with Salvatore’s mother trying to inform him of the death of Alfredo. Salvatore, a famous film director remembers his childhood at the Cinema Paradiso where Alfredo, the projectionist, 1st brought about his love of films. Hew returns home to his Sicilian village for the first time after almost thirty years and is reminded of his first love, Elena, who disappeared from his life before he left for Rome.
The story ends when Salvatore returns to Rome with a can of film left to him by Alfredo. It contains all the splices of the kissing scene from Salvatore’s youth.
Life is not like a movie house where we can just sit back and relax. Aside from watching, we have to understand the real sense of the movie. There are times that the scenes seem to be so boring yet you continue watching because you realized that it’s the director’s way of presenting the story. Life too is like that; there are moments that we feel like life is not worth living but we have to bear in mind that God has the sole authority to control it. He has perfect plans for us and all we need to do is to finish the race and win every battle.
Another theme of the movie is “True love do exist.” Toto never gave up on the person he truly love. Even distance and time could not erase his feelings for her. They were just victims of unwanted circumstance that hinders them to show their love for each other. It was quite evident that they were still longing for each other’s company. But sadly, it was too late for them to realize the mistakes that they did along the course of their relationship.
Cinema Paradiso is a one big movie that captures all the elements of a perfect film; from mise-en-scene, montage, and all its cinematic styles. It is also a film that brings you to different worlds -the world of happiness, of misery, and of success. But the greatest message above all is that, “We are the ones making our own life. We have different choices but before taking such path, we always have to discern and ask guidance from above”. 

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