Monday 3 October 2011

A Woman's Resolve

The movie starts in introducing Lucia. Lucia is one of the young waitresses in a restaurant in the centre of Madrid, Spain. While working, she hears the bad news about his lover, Lorenzo, from the police, dead by suicide. By the time she heard about it, she was very upset about what happened and tried to and start a new journey in life by going to the place where Lorenzo was always talking about. It was an isolated island. When she arrived in the said island, she met new friends, discovered a lot of hidden secrets about his lover, those hidden secrets or more like so hidden secrets just ready to be seen by her. Apparently, she discovered that Lorenzo had other love affair with women. One of them was named Elena and had accidently procured a child with Lorenzo, and the child grew with no known father. And in that place, Lucia and Elena coped up about their relationships being similar yet different from one another. In the end, surprisingly Lucia did meet up with Lorenzo in the island, after finding out that he was not dead after all. With what Lucia discovered about his lover Lorenzo, still they ended up together and live happily ever in each others hearts. The journey that Lucia went to made her realize that what Lorenzo has done does not matter and what matters is that she and Lorenzo are made to be together with each other.

As I watched the movie, the first thing that came up in my thoughts was the word “confusing”. The movie had scenes that were quite mind-blowing considering different scenes occurred here and there. Then I realized that the movie was not a sequential event-type movie because the scenes from the past and the present were intertwined with each other. Then when I realized that such theme was used in the movie, I slowly understood the flow of the story. The story really was magnificent, extraordinary, mind blowing and quite intriguing. One of the symbols that I had found in the movie was the sun and the moon. The sun and the moon reflect the ‘Love” of Lorenzo. In which sometimes it is like the sun that can be irritating at times like what Elena had experienced, she conceived a child whom she did not want plus the child did not have any father to look up to. And sometimes his love can be like the moon, attractive. That’s what Lucia felt; she was attracted to the love that Lorenzo had to offer. With such movie being critiqued as one of the best, I learned that acceptance is very important in any affair that one may be in. Just like what Lucia had done, she accepted all the secrets of her lover, Lorenzo. Even though Lorenzo already had a son or Lorenzo did bad things such as having an affair with anyone, she accepted it heart-warmingly and still continued to love him for all he is and for all he was.

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